Monday, January 26, 2015

National Black Foot Soldier Network asks: Did this vile, elderly devil think he'd get away attacking our people with white supremacist, Trans Atlantic Slave Trade (TAST) Holocaust reparations denial forever? The Delbert "Shorty" Belton Reparations Protest; "Did it feel like being unjustly lynched before a audience & a postcard being made of it to share w/your family & friends Deldbert?" Divive Racial Karma asks. "Today, we are thankful this former US military regime racial terrorist, devil & generational reparations offender no longer has any opportunity to threaten our people. He can step on our necks no more," Seattle Black Foot Soldier Alfred “Issaquah” Shafford

"Did it feel anything like being unjustly lynched before a public audience & a postcard being made of it to share w/your family & friends Deldbert?" Divive Racial Karma asks. The Fake WWII US Military Regime Racial Terrorist Delbert Belton Reparations Protest; "Today, we are thankful this former US military regime racial terrorist, devil & generational reparations offender no longer has any opportunity to threaten our people," Seattle Black Foot Soldier Alfred “Issaquah” Shafford: "We also condemn the arrests of brothers Demetrius Glenn & Kenan Adams Kinard who were forced to defend themselves by use of the very violence of Bolton's assaulting Trans Atlantic Slave Trade Holocaust & wounding reparations denials."


  1. Whites like reparations offender Delbert "Shorty" Belton make me sick. They attack our people all their lives and front like their innocent and good. Glad little brother stood up to protect our people and make right the wrongs done to our ancestors! Fuck Delbert "Shorty" Belton - in the name of the ancestors!

  2. Aarron Malik GershwinJanuary 27, 2015 at 3:55 PM

    "All whites are reparations offenders," says NBFSN General Cedishon Angelou. "There are direct reparations offenders and non-direct reparations offenders. Direct reparations offenders are whites from families who owned slaves. Non direct reparations offenders are whites from families who enjoyed either (or both) enjoyed the economic and social position the institution of slavery and white racism afforded them. We do not see the non-direct ones as less guilty than the ones who actually did own slaves."

  3. For his life long criminal actions against us, he deserved it.

  4. SpokaneCountyBLACKFOOTSOLDIERcallmeboyJanuary 28, 2015 at 11:15 AM

    Demonic white pig. So typical of their kind to try to get away with assaulting ours their whole lives and trying to not be held accountable. Little brother brought Divine Racial Karma's DAY OF JUDGEMENT to him!

  5. Fuck that racist US military regime terrorist! Glad he can't attack our people no more!

  6. Fuck all you niggers. Bring it. Come heavy, you'll need it.

  7. You stupid niggers will all burn in hell

  8. LOL they did the world a favour by killing this worthless and racist white scum
