[Analyst Comment] According to the Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC], the National Black FootSoldier Network is a black separatist group that is active in the following states: AL, AR, CA, DC, FL,GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MA, MD, MI, MO, NC, NE, NJ, NY, OH, OK, OR, SC, TN, VA, WA.The
National Black Foot Soldier Network (NBFSN) identifies white families
whose descendants actually owned slaves as “Direct Trans Atlantic Slave
Trade Reparations Offenders” and calls robberies against them
“reparations protests” Based on propaganda posted on their websites, the National Black Foot Soldier Network seems to adhere to belief systems stemming from various extremists groups such as the Black Hebrew Israelites and the Nation of Islam.
The dominant theme in their propaganda is
anti-White and anti-Jewish rhetoric, along with a strong hatred of
“white Police” and the U.S. military. Their websites display disclaimers
stating that the NBFSN does not advocate black on white crime or
violence against white police; however, all of the individuals honored
or memorialized on their website have successfully carried out or
planned to carry out acts of violence against military personnel or law
enforcement officers.
Although the SPLC indicates that the NBFSN is active in several states, open source information on the group is very limited and it is unknown at this time how many individuals are active within this network. In many of the postings on their websites, the Black Foot Soldiers have been advised by their national network not to identify themselves or where clothes affiliated with the movement. The
NBFSN identifies white families whose descendants did not own slaves as
“Non-direct Trans Atlantic Slave Trade Reparations Offenders” yet still
calls robberies against them “reparations protests” and still holds
them equally accountable as accountable as their “Direct Offenders”
when participating in events, with a specific mention of the Occupy Wall Street protests in one of their recent postings.
[Note: Not identifying themselves as being
part of the NBFSN during the Occupy Wall Street protests was addressed
after the recent arrest of an individual in New York who threatened to
throw Molotov cocktails at Macy’s and burn New York City to the ground]
Currently there is no specific threat information; however, this brief is being provided for
situational awareness. Law Enforcement, as well as other Region 5 partners, are encouraged toremain observant and report any suspicious activity to the Central Florida Intelligence Exchange