Thursday, March 29, 2012

National Black Foot Soldier Network says, "White guilt; refers to a concept of guilt often said to be felt by some whites for the racist treatment of people of color by whites both historically & presently. ... "The problem w/the "White Guilt Concept (WGC)" is that it implies that whites have consciences."" So how'd that work our for LIBERAL AMERICA!

"We categorically reject & condemn the white man's racist & self serving definition of racism that excuses their refusal to make restitution for their generational race crimes committed against blacks for the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade (TAST) & likewise excuses their unrestituted for generational race crimes against others in the family of the people of color." - NBFSN

Leaders and members across the National Black Foot Soldier Network have launched a nationwide discussion on the racial karmic retribution the white man has opened himself up to because of his kind’s unrestituted for atrocities against the world’s people of color.

“That these filthy creatures who call themselves humans that are white could and do think they are above the universal laws of nature, God and karma bespeaks the psychological sickness that is now inherent in them because of their unwillingness to change,” says Chesterfield County Black Foot Soldier Hampton McKenny. (Source

“The white man has broken each of the Universe’s Divine Laws, grossly violated the human rights of all the non-white citizens of the earth and without regard plundered the earth herself in selfish exploitation of her resources.As such, we must welcome this: the emergence of the universal age of the white man’s karmic retribution,” says NBFSN Divine Karma interpreter Hallowed Yclept. “We know now that when any atrocity befalls anywhite person at the hands of any person of color it is in accordance with the edict and bounty the universe has issued against them for their Universal Law violations, failure to make restitution for their racial crimes and crimes against the planet.” (Source)

 Honestly, there's just no appealing to blacks anymore. What can be done when, under the guise of 'yes we can make progressive change'  a black man's elected president (largely by whites) and at that very president's own behest the blacks America hoped would see progress by the action only became angrier. 


  1. You are going to hell if you do not repent of the sin in your heart.

    I am obligated to tell you this. You are presently under the wrath of God. You are a disgusting, hell-deserving sinner, and you know it.

    ALL men, of ALL colors, are disgusting, hell-deserving sinners, in desperate need of the redemption that only belief in Christ can bring.

    When you stand before Him on that last day, you will remember that you were warned.

    Until then, if you ever come near my family, I will make sure that THAT day is your last.

  2. Hartford Black Foot Soldier Adrian ThompsonMarch 29, 2012 at 9:39 PM

    The concept of white people's invisible god is just as flawed as that of white guilt. Actually, neither exist.

  3. He is the living God. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He sent His Son, the eternal Christ, by whom all things were made, to die for the sins of those whom He had chosen for salvation from their sins.

    You will meet Him soon, and find you've known about Him all along.

    As Christ said, "You are of your father, the devil."

  4. As Christ said, "You are of your father, the devil."

    LOL! (Black) Jesus was talking to (white) Romans who had imperialized, became Judaism proselytes and stole their religion when he made that statement. He (Jesus) was calling you (whites) devils even then!

  5. Chicago Black Foot Soldier Jyi HowardApril 1, 2012 at 3:04 AM

    No. In order to have 'guilt', you have to have a conscience. Whites have proven they don't have consciences. They construct concepts like these to further spread the propaganda that multiple factions of white thought exist in America. But the reality is that there is only 1 group of American whites and they are all Holocaust deniers.

  6. You will never attain peace of mind by hatred, ignorance or attachement. Many of you hate white people based on extremely generalized and ignorant points of view. Your attachement to your subjective experiences of oppression is driving this hatred. It is nothing more than an illusion you have all fallen for.,

    Don't you all realize that generalizing white people based on these illusions makes you no better than the most racist of whites? Any wise man of any faith will tell you what I am telling you now. At the end of the day you will achieve no peace of mind if you continue your blind hatred based on your attachements. The sooner you recognize these illusions, the sooner your mind will be freed from them.

    And yes, I am white and not American.

  7. The only way to *Stop Racism and Hate Collective* is to apply Dr. Kamau Kambon's theory of purification.

  8. Have you apologized for the sins of you ancestors bud? Africa is a hell hole. Your living ancestors aren't saints. Hey to tell you that, bro.
